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Trick Station


​The background of the spot: TRICKSTATION is Hong Kong's first studio dedicated to the practicing of the relatively new sport known as "Tricking". The sport derives its movements (or "Tricks") from various forms of martial arts, gymnastics, and street cultures such as Capoeira, Break-dancing and Free-running, where anything fancy, acrobatic and tricky is blended together to form a dynamic sequence of movements.


Address: Block B , Rm 3Y, 2/F , Po Yip Building ,60 – 62 Texaco Road , Tusen Wan , NT, Hong Kong

Telephone: +852 6506 7109


What they provide:
10m x 7m sprung floor with mirrors
14 feet high ceiling-lessons (Capoeira, Break-dancing and Free-running)
1 to 1 special training

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